national park rehabilitation

Yellowstone National Park, Canyon Registration Building Rehabilitation

In Progress

Located in the historic Canyon Village area of Yellowstone National Park, the Registration Building was constructed in the mid-1960s as part of the National Park Service’s “Mission 66” modernization initiative. Hennebery Eddy completed a comprehensive exterior and structural condition assessment and prepared construction documents for rehabilitation of the 2,600-square-foot building adjacent to the lodge. The Registration Building is used seasonally by campground guests and includes a gift shop and staff spaces.

The rehabilitation will address significant deterioration, including repair, restoration, or replacement in-kind of the distinctive roof and covered walkway, wood siding and trim, original windows and doors, and exterior lighting. Extraneous exterior equipment, added over the past 50 years, will be removed and a new fire-suppression system added. Our designs will mitigate damage to the wood structure during harsh winter months, increasing durability with limited impact on the historic resource – including careful preservation of previous interior rehabilitation work.

Project Contact

Will Ives AIA